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Pada saat saya berada di Roma, saya menemukan tanggapan dari Romo Edward McNamara, professor di bidang liturgi, dari Universitas Regina Apostolorum - Roma. Beliau menjawab pertanyaan: "Apakah diperbolehkan kita berdoa rosario di hadapan Sakramen Mahakudus yang sedang ditahtakan ?". Bagi mereka yang sudah biasa menghormati Jsus yang hadir dalam rupa Sakramen Mahakudus, mungkin terasa asing dan bahkan terganggu. Ada pihak lain yang merasa "nyaman" dan "damai". Bagaimanakah jawaban beliau ?
Marian Prayers Before the Blessed Sacrament
ROME, OCT. 4, 2011 ( ( Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university.
Q: In a number of countries we pray the rosary and the litany of the saints with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. When we believe Jesus Christ, who is fully alive, is present in the Blessed Sacrament, is it right to pray the rosary or a litany in which we address our prayers to Mary? When Christ is present before us, why should we take a roundabout way through Mary to Jesus, instead of praying directly to Jesus himself? I would be very grateful to hear from you because I am quite disturbed when this happens in my church. I love the Blessed Mother and pray to her, but sometimes I feel that we give more importance to her than to Jesus. -- T.N., Manathavady, India
A: This is a question that often arises and which we have addressed on other occasions, most extensively a year ago on Oct. 26, 2010 (). In synthesis, we referred to a Jan. 15, 1997, response to a doubt from the
Congregation for Divine Worship (Prot no. 2287/96/L), which clarified that it is permitted to publicly pray the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The aforementioned document also covers the motivations behind this practice.
We could add that there is no contradiction in praying the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament. Although the rosary is ostensibly a Marian prayer, it is also deeply centered on Christ through the contemplation of the
mysteries. Indeed it is significant that among the "luminous mysteries" introduced by Blessed John Paul II is precisely the institution of the Eucharist.
It is sometimes forgotten that the rosary's vocal elements, such as the repetition of the Hail Mary, are above all geared toward helping the soul to enter into the contemplation of the mystery. The mysteries themselves
are largely salient episodes in the Savior's life with a few also touching on Mary's role in the plan of salva-tion.
Therefore, genuinely praying the rosary in any circumstance should always bring us closer to Christ and will never give more importance to Mary than to him. If that were to happen, then it would mean that we have still to learn how to pray it as the Church, and indeed the Blessed Mother herself,desire it to be prayed.
Bagi anda yang tidak paham bahasa Inggris,inti jawaban beliau adalah: Berdoa rosario di hadapan Sakramen Mahakudus yang ditahtakan boleh saja. Mengapa ? Karena semua doa yang disalurkan lewat Bunda Maria, akan tetap diarahkan / terarah kepada Jesus. Dalam butir-butir doa Salam Maria pun, kita mengakui bahwa keselamatan itu diberikan Allah Bapa melalui Putera-Nya (Jesus ). Bunda Maria dapat meneruskan permohonan kita kepada Jesus, putra terkasih Maria. Memang patut diusahakan terus-menerus agar doa-doa kita kepada Maria, dalam kegiatan apa pun bentuknya, harus mengarahkan kita dan mendekatkan kita kepada Jesus, Sang Penyelamat umat manusia.
Pada saat saya berada di Roma, saya menemukan tanggapan dari Romo Edward McNamara, professor di bidang liturgi, dari Universitas Regina Apostolorum - Roma. Beliau menjawab pertanyaan: "Apakah diperbolehkan kita berdoa rosario di hadapan Sakramen Mahakudus yang sedang ditahtakan ?". Bagi mereka yang sudah biasa menghormati Jsus yang hadir dalam rupa Sakramen Mahakudus, mungkin terasa asing dan bahkan terganggu. Ada pihak lain yang merasa "nyaman" dan "damai". Bagaimanakah jawaban beliau ?
Marian Prayers Before the Blessed Sacrament
ROME, OCT. 4, 2011 ( ( Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university.
Q: In a number of countries we pray the rosary and the litany of the saints with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. When we believe Jesus Christ, who is fully alive, is present in the Blessed Sacrament, is it right to pray the rosary or a litany in which we address our prayers to Mary? When Christ is present before us, why should we take a roundabout way through Mary to Jesus, instead of praying directly to Jesus himself? I would be very grateful to hear from you because I am quite disturbed when this happens in my church. I love the Blessed Mother and pray to her, but sometimes I feel that we give more importance to her than to Jesus. -- T.N., Manathavady, India
A: This is a question that often arises and which we have addressed on other occasions, most extensively a year ago on Oct. 26, 2010 (). In synthesis, we referred to a Jan. 15, 1997, response to a doubt from the
Congregation for Divine Worship (Prot no. 2287/96/L), which clarified that it is permitted to publicly pray the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The aforementioned document also covers the motivations behind this practice.
We could add that there is no contradiction in praying the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament. Although the rosary is ostensibly a Marian prayer, it is also deeply centered on Christ through the contemplation of the
mysteries. Indeed it is significant that among the "luminous mysteries" introduced by Blessed John Paul II is precisely the institution of the Eucharist.
It is sometimes forgotten that the rosary's vocal elements, such as the repetition of the Hail Mary, are above all geared toward helping the soul to enter into the contemplation of the mystery. The mysteries themselves
are largely salient episodes in the Savior's life with a few also touching on Mary's role in the plan of salva-tion.
Therefore, genuinely praying the rosary in any circumstance should always bring us closer to Christ and will never give more importance to Mary than to him. If that were to happen, then it would mean that we have still to learn how to pray it as the Church, and indeed the Blessed Mother herself,desire it to be prayed.
Bagi anda yang tidak paham bahasa Inggris,inti jawaban beliau adalah: Berdoa rosario di hadapan Sakramen Mahakudus yang ditahtakan boleh saja. Mengapa ? Karena semua doa yang disalurkan lewat Bunda Maria, akan tetap diarahkan / terarah kepada Jesus. Dalam butir-butir doa Salam Maria pun, kita mengakui bahwa keselamatan itu diberikan Allah Bapa melalui Putera-Nya (Jesus ). Bunda Maria dapat meneruskan permohonan kita kepada Jesus, putra terkasih Maria. Memang patut diusahakan terus-menerus agar doa-doa kita kepada Maria, dalam kegiatan apa pun bentuknya, harus mengarahkan kita dan mendekatkan kita kepada Jesus, Sang Penyelamat umat manusia.