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Kesulitan dan derita adalah peristiwa yang tidak enak. Secara manusiawi, kedua hal itu, kalau bisa dihindari. Ketika mendengar bahwa di tempat itu ada banyak kesulitan dan derita, orang lebih sering menolak untuk ke sana daripada menetap dan tinggal di sana berlama-lama.

Di sisi lain, kesulitan dan derita makin membuat orang tahan bantingan. Orang-orang yang berani menghadapi kesulitan, mengurainya dan memecahkannya, akan menjadi orang penting dan dipakai di mana-mana. Mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang dicari dan dapat diandalkan untuk mengelola pekerjaan besar dan butuh kesetiaan. Berikut ini ada sebuah kutipan yang saya tuturkan untuk anda. Kutipan itu dikirim via email kepada banyak orang di milis Pineleng Group oleh Pater Jan van Paassen MSC. Beliau adalah mantan dosen di Seminari Pineleng dan kini tinggal di Lotta - Manado.

Inilah kutipan itu:

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, at a meeting with priests of the archdiocese.

* * *

Very dear Priests:

A few decades ago, American writer Dorothy Thompson published in a magazine article the results of careful research on the ill-famed concentration camp of Dachau.

A key question addressed to the survivors was the following: "In the midst of the Dachau hell, who remained for the longest time in a balanced condition? Who kept his sense of identity for the longest time?" The answer in unison, was always the same: "the Catholic priests." Yes, the Catholic priests! They were able to keep their balance in the midst of so much madness, because they were conscious of their vocation. They had their hierarchy of values. Their dedication to their ideal was total. They were conscious of their specific mission and of the profound reasons that sustained it.

In the midst of the earthly hell, they gave their testimony: that of Jesus Christ!

Semoga kitapun di Manado begitu.

Jan van Paassen

Terima kasih Pater, atas kutipan yang diteruskan kepada kami.


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